Common Questions:

Can you hold hedgehogs?  

Yes absolutely.  They just need to be made aware first and scooped from underneath so don't get nervous 

Are they prickly?

Yes and No. They only tense their spikes up when scared. Usually their spikes  are flat and can actually be stroked and fine to touch .

What do they eat?

As pets they love things like egg, chicken, meal worms and other insects but primarily eat a special mix of high quality cat/dog biscuits. They do sometimes love the occasional bit of fruit and veg. Mine like occasional watermelon and love scrambled egg. They shouldn't be fed fish, lactose or certain fruits and veg. Check out or 'African Pygmy Hedgehog Diet' page.

Do Hedgehog chew like rabbits or mice?

No they aren't rodents or similar. Their teeth don't constantly grow so they don't feel the need to gnaw or chew. It's a massive bonus as a hedgehog pet owner.

Where do they come from?

African Pygmy Hedgehogs are a domesticated breed that is a hybrid of the Four-toed Hedgehog or African White-Bellied Hedgehog and the Algerian Hedgehog. The scientific name is Atelerix albiventris. Its natural habitat is central, eastern and southern Africa.
Do hedgehogs have fleas?  
No. Hedgehogs are born in captivity so just like hamsters etc, they live indoors and do not have fleas.

Can they live outside?  
No. They would not survive if kept outside. Like any other small pet they need to be kept indoors in the correct housing.

Do they hibernate?  
No. However, if they get cold they will try to hibernate. They cannot be allowed to do this, it could prove fatal.

How long do they live?  
They live approximately 3 – 5 years. Some have been known to live longer . Our Albino Male Bubble just recently passed at 7.
How big do they get?  
They grow to about a third of the size of a wild hedgehog but it varies.  Some are smaller or larger than other Pygmys.

Is it better to have a male or female?  
Temperament I down to the individual hedgehog and doesn't relate to their gender. There no big difference In having a male or female.

Can they live in pairs?  
Definitely not. Hedgehogs are solitary animals and will not tolerate a cage mate.

Are they nocturnal?  
Yes. They are most active at dusk and dawn and will sleep during the day. However, your hedgehog won’t mind being woken up during the day for a cuddle. Some.hedgehogs naturally wake for brief periods in the day

Feel free to comment your own questions below :)...



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3 years ago

I have sent you an email Gemma :)
Thankyou . He was old loved 🥰
They really are amazing pets x

3 years ago

I am trying to convince my family to let me get an African Pygmy Hedgehog and I was wondering if you could send me and my family some tips on how to care for it because I think my parents would be more inclined to get one if they knew what they were doing. Sorry about Bubble too :)